Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Welcome to the Shitshow

Ok. I'm liberal. If you know, you know. You can easily guess for whom I'll be casting my vote. There's no doubt about that.

I was watching the first Presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden last night and as things went down, my jaw fell to the floor.

Sure, there were misrepresentations and half-truths told. There were direct lies. Both sides did this. Republican and Democrat. That's the way it goes. During and after the debate, as is my SOP, I made some dumb jokes on social media, but today, as objectively as possible (after all, I am biased, but face it, we all are), I want to calmly state a few points that have stuck with me over night and in to this morning.

These points are not going to change anyone's mind - even though they really should - but here they are:

1. Donald Trump used a racial slur during the debate. Yes, using the name Pocahontas to demean someone is a racial slur. The end.

2. When asked directly to denounce white supremacy, Trump specifically brought up the Proud Boys (an alt-right white supremacist group who supports him) and said "Stand back and stand by." He did not denounce them.

3. Trump disagrees vehemently with his science advisors regarding a COVID19 vaccine and when it will be available.

4. Donald Trump demonized and made fun of Joe Biden's child for his substance use disorder.

5. Donald Trump refused to outright state he would support and accept the results of the Presidential election on November 3rd - and along with his call to the public for "poll watchers" and his lies about mail in balloting/voting, this should cause you alarm.

6. Donald Trump refused to stay quiet when he was supposed to do so and allow Biden time to speak. His behavior and decorum was boorish, bullying, and absent of decency and dignity. He constantly interrupted Biden and became argumentative with both Biden and Chris Wallace (the moderator). All of this behavior was unbecoming of a President of the United States of America.

7. Chris Wallace was not a good choice for moderator, but outside of cutting the microphones, I'm not sure what else he could have done to help stop any of what happened. Donald Trump steamrolled over Wallace's moderating. 

There are many more things that could be expounded upon, but these few have stuck with me. Again, this probably won't change any minds, but I thought I'd write them down.

It's 2020. It's a Presidential election year. It's a viral pandemic.

34 days until Election day.

Welcome to the Shitshow.